In this guide, we will see how to install fonts in the latest Ubuntu 20.04. Though by default Ubuntu comes with good fonts, users always want something more from their OS. Text styling is nothing new and we have been seeing MS Word with lots of fonts for years now. Microsoft is popular for the wide array of fonts it supports. However, Ubuntu lags behind if we compare it with Windows on the basis of fonts.

In this guide, I have mentioned about installing fonts with font manager or manually in the userspace. Secondly, you also get an idea of acquiring new fonts for the operating system. As the title says this guide is exclusively for system running on the Ubuntu 20.04. So, you need to upgrade to that version of the OS first. Now, let’s get going with the guide.

Getting the Font Files

To install a font, you need to have the font files with you on the system. This is what we call as acquiring the font. Normally you can find a font on various websites that offer free fonts. The fonts are usually in zip files. That you have to download. About the free font websites, you can simply Google them up.

You have to give the following command to download the zip file of the fonts. Also, to archive and unzip once they come down to your system.

  • $ wget -O ~/Downloads/ https://freefont website name/
  • $ unzip -p ~/Downloads/ fontname.ttf > ~/Downloads/fontname.ttf
  • $ unzip -p ~/Downloads/ fontname.ttf > ~/Downloads/fontname.ttf
  • $ rm ~/Downloads/

Install Fonts in the User Space Manually

Manual installation means using the command line to install the fonts. This is how it is done.

$ wget -O ~/Downloads/ https://freefont website name/

$ unzip -p ~/Downloads/ fontname.ttf > ~/Downloads/fontname.ttf

$ unzip -p ~/Downloads/ fontname.ttf > ~/Downloads/fontname.ttf

$ rm ~/Downloads/


  • First, you need to create ~./ fonts directory. You have to put the font inside it.
  • Then give the following command
  • $ mkdir ~/.fonts
  • $ cp ~/Downloads/fontname.ttf ~/.fonts

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$ mkdir ~/.fonts $ cp ~/Downloads/fontname.ttf ~/.fonts

System-Wide Font Installation

If you think that a certain font should be available system-wide to all the users that log on to the network, then this how you can do it.

  • You have to copy the font file to the local sharing by creating a new path.
  • Give the following commands
  • $ sudo mkdir /usr/local/share/fonts/sample
  • $ sudo cp ~/Downloads/fontname.ttf /usr/local/share/fonts/sample/

Setting Up Fonts Using the Font Manager

  • Launch the terminal
  • Give the following command to install the font manager
  • $ sudo apt install font-manager
  • Now, inside the Application launcher open the font manager
  • Click on the + sign to add a new font
  • Browse for your front > select it from the folder where you’ve downloaded the zip file.
  • Click Open to launch it.
  • To check for the font’s style in realtime open LibreOffice or any such program that allows you to select and use Fonts.

That’s it. This is how you can install fonts on the latest Ubuntu 20.04. I hope that you found this guide informative.

$ sudo mkdir /usr/local/share/fonts/sample $ sudo cp ~/Downloads/fontname.ttf /usr/local/share/fonts/sample/

$ sudo apt install font-manager

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